Curing Parkinson’s
3. Protecting the brain cells affected by Parkinson’s – Once the progression of the condition has been slowed, it will be important to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for the surviving cells by identifying treatments that have a protective effect.
Cure Parkinson’s is supporting research in all three of these potential treatment areas; and through our International Linked Clinical Trials (iLCT) programme, we have clinical studies evaluating all aspects focused towards a cure, which aim to bring new treatments to the clinic for the Parkinson’s community.
At first glance the task ahead of us seems insurmountable, but there is already a huge amount of research being conducted at clinical level across all three components of a cure for Parkinson’s. And through clinical trials supported by Cure Parkinson’s we are seeing the first signs of potentially disease-modifying therapies. It is an exciting time for Parkinson’s research.
Dr Simon Stott, Director of Research, Cure Parkinson’s