Webinars Webinars

Webinar: World Parkinson Congress insights

During this webinar, chaired by Edinburgh University’s Professor Tilo Kunath, we hear from our panelists about which WPC sessions they found most useful and why they found them so motivating.

Webinar: Clinical trials targeting alpha-synuclein

The latest instalment of this quarterly webinar series discussed clinical trials targeting alpha-synuclein, with Edinburgh University’s Professor Tilo Kunath as chair.

Webinars Webinars

Webinar: exercise and motivation

Presented by the Edinburgh University, Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, and Cure Parkinson’s; we are delighted to see a return of this quarterly webinar series, with Edinburgh University’s Professor Tilo Kunath as chair. 

Webinars Webinars

Webinar: Embracing equity in healthcare for women with Parkinson’s

This webinar on 10 March marked International Women’s Day. It is now available to watch again.

Webinars Webinars

Questions about Parkinson’s: ask the expert

NIHR Clinical Research Network Thames Valley and South Midlands recorded a recent webinar featuring Professor Michele Hu and journalist Rory Cellan-Jones.