News Webinars

Webinar: Diet and the gut vs the brain

Held in partnership with the University of Edinburgh and the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, this webinar focuses on the relationship between the gut and nutrition and Parkinson’s, and the emerging understanding of how the gut-brain connection has a role in Parkinson’s progression.

Webinars Webinars

Webinar: Parkinson’s research highlights from 2023 and what to look out for in 2024

No Silver Bullet 4 Parkinson’s and Cure Parkinson’s are delighted to invite you to join their webinar with Dr Simon Stott.

Webinar: Stem cell research for Parkinson’s – the latest updates

The next instalment of this quarterly webinar series will discuss the latest news in cell replacement therapies for Parkinson’s with Edinburgh University’s Professor Tilo Kunath as chair.

Webinars Webinars

NoSilverBullet4PD Webinar: How Parkinson’s impacts a woman’s life

In this upcoming webinar on Monday 9 October, the No Silver Bullet 4 Parkinson’s team will be joined by Parkinson’s advocates Richelle Flanagan and Annelien Oosterbaan to discuss the challenges and stigmas women with Parkinson’s often face before and after receiving a diagnosis. It is…

Webinars Webinars

Drug repurposing for Parkinson’s – No Silver Bullet 4 Parkinson’s webinar

Cure Parkinson’s funded researcher Dr Lorraine Kalia will be presenting the NoSilverBullet4PD webinar this September discussing ‘Drug repurposing for PD therapies’.