The lonafarnib pre-clinical study

This research led by Professor Joe Mazzulli, will, it is hoped, give us a better understanding of how lonafarnib can reduce the build-up of the toxic protein alpha-synuclein which is a characteristic of Parkinson’s.

Liraglutide trial: results

Researchers from Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles have presented their initial top line results of the liraglutide trial, co-funded by Van Andel Institute and Cure Parkinson’s, at the recent American Association of Neurology annual meeting. The results indicate that liraglutide improves aspects of daily living…

Nicotinamide riboside for Parkinson’s: pilot results published

Researchers in Norway have published the promising results of a pilot clinical study of nicotinamide riboside for people with Parkinson’s.

Diabetes dual agonist drugs for Parkinson’s

Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (or GLP-1R) agonists are recognised as a frontline treatment for diabetes. Researchers have recently been developing the next generation of treatment for diabetes which target GLP-1R and another protein called gastric inhibitory polypeptide (or GIP) at the same time. These combination…

GCase and Parkinson’s: a new perspective

Recently researchers have provided new insights into how small defects in a region of DNA called the GBA gene could be affecting cell biology leading to Parkinson’s.