Rallying to the Challenge is a meeting designed for and by people with Parkinson’s, advocates and care partners to explore how the Parkinson’s community can impact and accelerate research.

Each year the meeting takes an aspect of Parkinson’s research and discusses how people living with the condition can support and influence work in this area.

This year’s theme was: What do we mean by “pathophysiological mechanisms to therapeutics?” which mirrored the science symposium Grand Challenges in Parkinson’s Disease at Van Andel Institute, U.S.

You can now re-watch presentations from this year’s Rallying to the Challenge meeting:

Day One

What do we mean by “Pathophysiological Mechanisms to Therapeutics”? – Dr. Simon Stott

Protein Pathologies 1: Alpha-synuclein, what is it, how can we detect it? – Dr Eraz Anis and Dr Saima Zameer (VAI)

A-synuclein seeding assay: what is it and how can it support clinical trials? – Anaya Navangul

Protein pathologies 2: Tau pathology and its impact in Parkinson’s – Dr Alysa Kasem (VAI)

What is better than L’dopa? – Dr Soania Mathur

Defining the biology of Parkinson’s – Martijn Muller

Why is a staging system for Parkinson’s so urgently needed? – Gary Rafaloff and Katie Kopil

Communications implications and use of language of a new staging system – Claire Bale

Day Two

A review of the stages of clinical trials – Sean Hindley

Therapeutic development 1: an overview of disease-modifying trials – Gary Rafaloff

Therapeutic development 2: Lysosomal function overview, ambroxol – Rosie Fuest and Helen Matthews

Therapeutic development 3: Could Prasinezumab be reducing motor progression in the PASADENA Open-Label Extension – Dr Patrik Brundin and Matthew May

Therapeutic development 4: The challenges of developing combination therapies – Dr Sonia Gandi

Catch up on Rallying to the Challenge 2022

Missed anything from last year? Catch up on all the recordings from Rallying to the Challenge 2022

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