Further support for GLP-1R agonists
Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (or GLP-1R) agonists are a frontline treatment for diabetes – improving glycaemic control by reducing glucose concentrations in the blood. In 2008, multiple research groups reported that this class of drugs exhibited neuroprotective properties in models of Parkinson’s. Subsequent clinical trials have provided encouraging data supporting this […]
The 2020 Linked Clinical Trials meeting
Each year in September, The Cure Parkinson’s Trust and Van Andel Institute hold the international Linked Clinical Trials (iLCT) meeting. This is a drug-repurposing initiative focused on disease modification in Parkinson’s. For two days the iLCT committee discuss and debate the virtues of 20+ molecules to decide which should be prioritised […]
GBA: Wider regulation = wider implications
Tiny variations our DNA can have a significant impact on our lives. For the last 20 years, Parkinson’s researchers have been collecting data highlighting ‘genetic risk factors’ that are associated with increasing one’s risk of developing the condition. More recently, however, these same scientists have started shifting their attention to the […]
Assessing the progression of Parkinson’s is a very difficult task, but accurately doing so is critical to our ability to evaluate the disease modifying potential of new therapies. The clinical measures currently used in clinical trials have been developed using large longitudinal studies that assessed individuals over long periods of time. […]
MAMS the word
The way that clinical trials are conducted doesn’t make much sense. They take too long and a lot of resources to set up, they take a long time to be conducted, and we have to wait until they are finished before we get the results. And then on top of that […]