Everyone expressing an interest in taking part in the large phase 3 ASPro-PD ambroxol trial will be genetically screened, via PD Frontline, as part of the trial selection criteria. PD Frontline are currently prioritising people under the age of 75 who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s within the last six years.

How to get involved

If you are interested in participating, we ask that you please visit PD Frontline to register. Once you complete the initial study questions, PD Frontline will assess the information and contact you directly about next steps if eligible.

Register your interest with PD Frontline

If you are interested in taking part or would like to learn more about the PD Frontline study, please visit their website.

Register here

Keep in touch with Cure Parkinson’s

If you would like to stay up-to-date with and hear more about all our latest research and fundraising news, please consider signing up for our E-newsletter.

Sign up here

ASPro-PD Update as of June 2024: The study team at UCL continue to make significant progress in the setting up of the ASPro-PD trial. They now have 15 potential research centres signed up for the project, ahead of their original goal of 10, across England, Scotland and Wales. The team are currently finalising the required paperwork in preparation for recruitment to begin, including the necessary ethical approvals. Once this is all in place and recruitment has begun, all communication will be provided directly by the ASPro-PD trial team. In our ongoing commitment to keeping you informed, our next update will be in the Autumn unless we have additional news to share before then.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact our Recruitment and Retention Officer, Anaya.