Linda Feighery
Linda started her career in academia where she had a keen interest in neuroimmunology with a focus on the gut-brain axis. Having completed her PhD in Ireland, she spent six years in the USA as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at The Salk Institute in San Diego and Rockefeller University in New York. She has been living in the UK since 2013. Following several years working in Medical Communications, she joined UCB Pharma in 2016 where she currently works in External Engagement supporting key partnerships with Medical Societies and Patient Organisations.
“Having been very moved by the documentary ‘The Parkinson’s Drug Trial: A Miracle Cure’, I was lucky enough to meet Lyndsey Isaacs whose passion for finding a cure for Parkinson’s is infective. When the opportunity arose to become a member of the Cure Parkinson’s Board of Trustees, I jumped at it in the hope that my experience across academia and the pharmaceutical industry could be put to good use.” – Linda Feighery