Held in partnership with the University of Edinburgh and the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, with Edinburgh University’s Professor Tilo Kunath as chair.

This hour-long webinar is for the Parkinson’s community and allows the opportunity to hear first-hand from experts in the field, to learn more about the underlying mechanisms of Parkinson’s and progress being made within the research arena.

The panel of experts, including Professor Malu Tansey, Dr Kirsten Scott, and Alison Anderson discuss inflammation and its role in Parkinson’s as well as recent advances in clinical trials within this field of research.

If you would like to keep up to date with all our future webinars along with our latest research and fundraising news make sure to sign up to our newsletter.

Meet our Panellists

Prof Tilo Kunath is joined by:

Dr Malú Tansey is a Norman And Susan Fixel Professor Of Neuroscience and Neurology as well as the Director of the Parkinson’s Foundation Research Center of Excellence at the University of Florida. Dr Tansey’s lab focuses on investigating the role of inflammation and immune responses in the development of neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s, with particular interest in the gut-brain axis.

Dr Kirsten Scott is a neurologist and medical director at AstraZeneca. For her post-doctoral work, Dr Scott was a member of the research team for the ongoing AZA-PD trial – a Cure Parkinson’s co-funded phase 2 trial evaluating the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drug azathioprine for Parkinson’s.

Alison Anderson is a Parkinson’s ambassador and member of Cure Parkinson’s Board of Trustees. Alison is an avid cyclist, participating in various cycling challenges for Parkinson’s research each year. Last year, Alison rode 1850km from Cheltenham to Barcelona for the 2023 World Parkinson’s Congress, of which she was an ambassador for.

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