An important component of any curative treatment for Parkinson’s is a form of nerve cell-replacement restorative therapy.

By the time a person is diagnosed with Parkinson’s, they will have lost approximately half of the dopamine neurons in their brain. In addition, there are other populations of cells also lost during the course of the disease. Replacing some of those cells represents a means of restoring some of the lost function.

Once the progression of the condition has been stopped, and damaged cells have been provided with a rejuvenating protective treatment, it will then be time to start implementing a restorative cell replacement therapy.

The amount of restorative therapy required will vary from person to person depending on their level of cell loss. And this is where “personalised medicine” really comes into play for Parkinson’s.

One experimental method of restorative therapy is cell replacement therapy. This approach involves growing cells in culture, which provides an ample supply for the required amount. Cure Parkinson’s has been driving pioneering research in the area of cell transplantation. We have funded lab-based research focused on exploring stem cell biology and improving the production of cell culture biology for transplantation.

Cell replacement therapies

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In addition, Cure Parkinson’s has been supporting the  TRANSEURO study, which is a cell transplantation clinical trial being conducted in Cambridge (UK). As well as evaluating individuals with Parkinson’s who have received cell transplants, the study is also developing the protocols and procedures for future clinical efforts focused on restorative therapies.


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Cure Parkinson’s has also been supporting the G-Force initiative, which is a collective of international researchers and biotech companies focused on cell transplantation for Parkinson’s – sharing their knowledge, establishing best practice, and helping each other to get cell replacement therapies into the clinic faster.