Quarterly Research Grant Funding Programme

This programme primarily funds preclinical and clinical research focused on slowing, stopping, or reversing Parkinson’s. We do not fund research which is directed at symptomatic relief.

The application process takes approximately three to four months:

The funding remit

For preclinical research, we fund grants up to £250,000 (GBP) and prioritise projects that are likely to lead to clinical trials in people with Parkinson’s within 5 years.

For clinical research, we fund clinical trials and sub-studies of trials in people with Parkinson’s. The grant amount is flexible but please contact us ahead of submission if you are thinking of applying for a clinical trial.

We fund internationally and accept applications from academics and commercial entities. However, the costs in commercial applications should be equivalent to academic costs.

Our full Research Strategy provides more information on the types of research we fund, our funding priorities and how we provide funding.

Please read through the resources below before applying for funding. If you have any questions regarding whether your project fits our narrow remit, please email us at research@cureparkinsons.org.uk.

The application process

If the proposed project falls within Cure Parkinson’s scope for funding, it will be considered by our independent research committee, which meets on a quarterly basis.

At each meeting, the committee discuss new applications and decide whether they should be evaluated further. If they decide that an application should be considered for funding, the application will be sent for external peer review. The feedback from these expert reviews will be discussed at the next research committee meeting, and a recommendation on whether to fund the project will be made for the Cure Parkinson’s trustees to consider. For successful applicants, the process takes approximately three months but can take longer, particularly for clinical trials where an iterative approach may apply.

All successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by the chair of the research committee and/or suitable senior Cure Parkinson’s representative.

To submit your application, please download and complete the relevant forms below then email these as attachments to our Research Manager, Rosie Fuest.

How to apply for funding

Before applying, please read our information for grant applicants and standard grant contract (below) for further guidance on the application process, the criteria used during the research committee assessment and the usual terms and conditions for Cure Parkinson’s grant funding. Please note, these terms may alter slightly for clinical trials or projects involving commercial entities.

To submit your application, please download and complete the relevant forms below then email these as attachments to our Research Manager, Rosie Fuest.

If you have any questions regarding our funding scope, application process or subsequent work with successful applicants, please email Rosie Fuest. Thank you.


Monday 21 October

Detailed Information for Grant Applicants

We welcome applications for funding for suitable research projects. This document provides guidance for potential applicants on the process used for assessing projects and the criteria used during assessment.

Grant Application Form


884 KB

Budget Form


12 KB

Our Grant Contract

Read our Grant Contract which sets out Cure Parkinson’s terms and conditions to be applied in the event that the application is successful.

Drug and Compound CV


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Commercial Entity Form


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